Monday, September 22, 2008

IPOH Chapter 2

The schedule that consumes my days is like many of yours, ALWAYS FULL. But upon reflection there are a few things that bring me profound happiness.
  1. My children
  2. My family and friends
  3. My career
  4. Working out and taking care of my health
  5. Being in the outdoors
  6. Advancing my education and training

The things I really want in this life are:

  1. To have my children with me full time -Love
  2. A log cabin high in a mountain - Freedom
  3. To get into the best physical, mental and spiritual shape of my life. - Power
  4. To start a training and consulting business and travel worldwide. - Power
  5. To have a farm raising organic vegetables and free range cattle along with a few horses and allot of dogs. - Freedom
  6. Meet a beautiful, talented and independently successful woman. - Love

Something I could add to my life would be downtime. I work two jobs, go to school, am a dad, a boyfriend, a son and a brother. I have found that I take little time for me although all the things I have listed here are included in my wants. I do need to add time time for fun. Time to find freedom and be carefree.

By adding this time back into my life I would meet my needs for love, power and freedom as I would have the time to re-discover who I am and perhaps exercise the power to once again have fun.


Kris said...

We've heard it in many different ways: Pay yourself first.
Fill yourself up so you can fill others. If you can't be good to yourself, how can you to another.
Be the change you want to see in this world...
Looks like you see it. Now to go after it! :-)

Prof. McDade said...

I'm thinking that a large number of wickedly attractive European women would be called to spend some quality time on an organic farm considering the benefits of artisanal cheese making and organic beef. When are you going to take the first step towards that dream? It's not going to manifest while you're busy working at the station and getting a degree. Are your actions in line with your soul and heart's goals?