Sunday, October 19, 2008

IPOH Chapter 6

At the risk of offending those with an interest in my personal life I will opine that this particular assignment is a bit too close for comfort. But as the great sages of the human psyche remind us “this discomfort is where growth takes place”. I would just like to interject a rousing explicative intermixed with mind and your own business and be on my merry way. However, I do not feel that would be a prudent path towards academic excellence. So with the barrel of a loaded grade held to my temple I shall change the names to protect the innocent and leak a few secrets onto this public forum.

I, like many of you reading this, enjoy the company of others in meaningful and romantic relationships. I have court documents and child support to stand witness to my failed attempt at wedded bliss. Like so many newly “liberated” men I have also had my share of rebounds, bar hounds and liquor rounds in my colorful past. Yes I did say past as almost three years ago I applied for a part time job and met a red headed beauty I shall call “Raquel”. (I did preface this rant by saying I would change the names to protect the innocent). So Raquel and I meet and instantly I want to know her in a much more meaningful way than just coworkers. I have always placed a taboo on such work relationships but just this once I was ok with jumping without a chute.

To say the least the past three years have been marked by some great memories however within the last year Raquel and I have put one another through the proverbial ringer.
So with the back ground of my life problems laid out for the entire ethos to see, the person I shall list as a problem in my life right now is “Raquel”. Some of the issues I have asked from this person are balance, freedom, consistency and trust. By balance I mean just that, a chi like state where everything in your life has a place and a center. The freedom I ask for is to reacquaint myself with old and lost friends and reconnect with those of my past. The consistency I require truly means just that, not the emotional roller coaster currently in play. Lastly, I seek her trust as I have not breeched that wall with her due to many issues from previous relationships in her life.

I have confided in “Raquel” of the things I need in this relationship and life in general. However, she sees them as a slight towards her and withdraws. So here I sit writing my personal life in code to preserve life, limb and grade. Despite the gloomy demeanor of this rant I believe there is room for change. Most of those changes I can control in my reaction to her withdraw and perhaps some compromise is in order on my part. I have been so busy with my personal life that perhaps I have left her feeling a bit unimportant.

So the problem person right now in my life is indeed “Raquel”. She has not been meeting my needs for fun, power, love or freedom and I am sure I have not fulfilled hers either. That said I believe this can be rectified through open and honest discussion replete with active listening on my part.

I have always seen myself as a pretty positive person, giving praise freely but perhaps throwing the “BS” flag a bit too freely and intensely. So this week I endeavored to step out on a limb and find the positives in a bunch of negative events at work. It did not take long for opportunity to knock, as at a recent structure fire my crew allowed me ample opportunity to blow my stack deep inside only to hold a quite calm critique and accentuate the “what went right” portion. So there in is my lesson to take away. Perhaps I should change my view to what is right in my personal life.


Kris said...

You are amazing. That is said in a good way.

Andrew said...

Several of the exercises from IPOH left me with the same sentiments as your first paragraph. I couldn't have worded it nearly as well as you did, and decided to take my mom's advice, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", and jump straight to the exercise.

Your self-analysis gave me a few things to think about in myself. I think that I too throw the 'BS' flag too quickly. I often think that I am listening well, when I am doing more judging.