Saturday, October 25, 2008

IPOH Chapter 7

There a myriad of activities that I would enjoy finding the time and or money to enjoy on a more regular basis. However, there are two which would bring a great deal of joy into my life without any expense. One would be to make time to meditate on a daily basis, not just in a stuffy room or quiet indoor space but in nature. The other activity would be to get out and walk daily not along concrete or pavement but along natural paths. I can envision doing both together soaking in all the bounty of the natural world while leaving the man made far behind me. I know this sounds simple enough but the daily grind of work, relationships and family time tends to shred the hopes of these stolen moments.

However, I will attempt in earnest to take a walk along wooded paths tomorrow which is Sunday. I will contract with myself to walk a nearby wooded path at a local arboretum. Not exactly the AT but well within a prescribed morning jaunt.

The problem I am attempting to solve is balancing my life between work, relationships both romantic and family with the necessary time I need to make myself stronger in mind, body and spirit. After doing some brainstorming I have developed a stepped plan that I hope will lead me down the path. First and foremost I need to be more proficient in the management of my resources of time and money. Secondly, I need to brainstorm ways in which I can combine time with loved ones both romantic and family. This step will require a more creative bent on my part to satisfy the needs of all involved. Lastly, I have to utilize what little down time I can squeeze out my duty shifts to exercise and find quiet time. For this step I must be able to adapt as like many of you reading this I control my actions alone and not the actions or need of the community I serve. I feel that in the short run these actions will enable me to achieve a balance of what precious time I have each week.


Doug said...

Hey Chris,
It sounds as if you are very serious and I believe you can achieve that which you have noted in your blog. I have always thought that taking care of yourself before others will make you a happier person. If you are satisfied with "you" then making the necessary time for others will come easy for you. How can one be happy with themselves if they are always tending to others needs, family, relationships etc, and not setting aside time for themselves. We all need that time just for us to get our lives back in order.

Alex said...


It sounds like nature is calling you, you wnat to enjoy it and all it has to offer, but life is keeping you away. If it is possible with your schedule incorporate your family and romantic time into nature. Take walks with your significant other, plan a picnic with the family, or go for a bike ride with everyone. This might help you balance each need and it will open up everyone else in your life to your love of nature. It might bring everyone a little closer together.

Andrew said...

There is something incredibly powerful and healing about the natural world. I know that taking a walk through a local forest preserve or even a wooded park is able to clear my mind and help me to identify the priorities in my life.

It seems that you are not alone in wanting to better balance work, and relationships.

Kris said...

I am almost sad to have reached Chapter 7 as it has been great learning in this way about my fellow classmates.
Good luck Chris, sounds like you've taken another big step forward.